To Tweet or Not To Tweet...

It's no secret, Twitter has taken the social networking world by storm. Everyone is writing their short little tweets and is letting everyone know each little fart that escapes their ass 24/7.'s a few instances (which should be taken with a pinch of salt btw) where you shouldn't be tweeting :)

» You shouldn't be tweeting at work - your boss has twitter too.

» You shouldn't be tweeting if you're going away for a month on vacation - your neighborhood thieves have twitter too.

» You shouldn't be tweeting if you're a soldier in Iraq - yep...there's internet too there :)

» You shouldn't be tweeting that you're not gonna shower just before a blind date with your online friend - Pretty self explanatory why huh ? :P

» You shouldn't be tweeting where you're gonna be tonight - Twitter is a stalker's best friend.

» You shouldn't be tweeting about how annoying your neighbor is - at least not unless you want to find his garbage on your doorstep :)

I'm pretty sure you can come up with more ... post them in the comments section guys :)
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