Probably two of the highest internet buzz words these past few years but do people realize that sometimes they're preaching for anonymity on the internet whilst on another browser tab they're putting every little bit of information about them on facebook and twitter? Isn't that kinda hypocrite?
People worry about their credit card details, emails being stolen and stuff like that but in reality it's the people themselves that give it all away. Let me give you some examples :
Hacking into any website account: You go on lost password and it asks you for your favourite pet. You head to this girl's FaceBook where she has a shrine devouted to her cat SnowBall. Your Favourite band... again... you go on her MySpace and you've got the whole list there. First school attended ? Not a problem...head on to for the whole curriculum. See where i'm going with this ? We are so paranoid about our privacy yet we're the stupid ones that are giving access to our private stuff in the first place.
Some people even step it up a notch or two and take matters into the real world. I've heard this story recently where a woman in the UK was stalked by one of her "best mates" from a very famous social networking site. Allegedly the woman was being flirtatious online and started blabbering her every step on her profile. I honestly don't know who to blame here. I mean, yes, the guy was definetly at fault but the woman wasn't innocent either. She tried to play the 'victim' card when in fact she was just as guilty as he was.
I hope that this article opens some eyes about keep our private stuff, PRIVATE.
People worry about their credit card details, emails being stolen and stuff like that but in reality it's the people themselves that give it all away. Let me give you some examples :
Hacking into any website account: You go on lost password and it asks you for your favourite pet. You head to this girl's FaceBook where she has a shrine devouted to her cat SnowBall. Your Favourite band... again... you go on her MySpace and you've got the whole list there. First school attended ? Not a problem...head on to for the whole curriculum. See where i'm going with this ? We are so paranoid about our privacy yet we're the stupid ones that are giving access to our private stuff in the first place.
Some people even step it up a notch or two and take matters into the real world. I've heard this story recently where a woman in the UK was stalked by one of her "best mates" from a very famous social networking site. Allegedly the woman was being flirtatious online and started blabbering her every step on her profile. I honestly don't know who to blame here. I mean, yes, the guy was definetly at fault but the woman wasn't innocent either. She tried to play the 'victim' card when in fact she was just as guilty as he was.
I hope that this article opens some eyes about keep our private stuff, PRIVATE.