Making Money Online : Myth or Fact?

Most people seem to be of the opinion that making money online is only for those lazy people that want to play World of Warcraft all day whilst their google ads are feeding their addiction. Well, it’s not that easy but it can be done.

In my previous article about making money online I discussed how so called experts of the “online money making” business become rich in the first place. But never mind those people, lets focus on the topic at hand.

Recently I’ve read this success story about someone earning $15,000 a month from adsense. Sounds unbelievable ? Well, at first it does you’re right but then there comes the explanation.

Here’s how this guy did it.

Step 1
Spend lots of time gathering keyword usage data from month to month. Grab a set of keywords use the Google Keywords Suggestion page to see how much people are searching for those keywords and record their trends from month to month.

Step 2
Forget the most common and obvious keywords that everyone targets and focus your energy on long tail keywords and yes…spelling mistakes. You won’t believe the amount of spelling mistakes people make when searching.

Step 3
Find a domain with your main keyword in it.

Step 4
Create a blog about it.

Too easy huh ? Well here’s the hard parts.

Step 5
Pay writers $8 per article to fill your blog with useful, original content. This guy spends $1000 in articles for his blogs.

Step 6
Find out potential competitors and other relates websites, contact the administrator for a link. This guy even goes as far as finding the domain registrant details and cold-calls them.

Step 7
Optimize your blog to revolve around your keywords and submit your sites to as many social networking sites as you possibly can.

Step 8
Repeat the above for 40 times. Yes, that’s right, he makes $15,000 spread over 40 websites and blogs and spends most of this living time updating them to keep them fresh.

Does making money online still sound easy to you ?… neither.

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