Having a career in IT can be nice but…
10. The Wage
The pay is often good but many companies think they own you! Up until the day you hand in your resignation letter and slap them smack in the forehead with a nice, tasty, reality-check.
9. The Scapegoat
Who’s fault is it when users make idiotic errors? Yours for not explaining well!
8. The Personal IT Butler
Your co-workers invite you over for dinner. Sweet huh? Then mid-dinner the topic of discussion suddenly morphs to computers and how he’s hating his PC lately for giving him trouble. Next thing you know you’re eating dessert off the computer tower while cleaning his Windows XP from the pesky spyware that got lose while he was watching his “favorite” websites.
7. The Zero
Guess who’s a hero when you do your job flawlessly everyday? You are! Now, guess who’s a zero when you mess up that one time?
6. The Babysitter
You will spend more time babysitting archaic technologies and fix obsolete hardware than implementing new stuff.
5. The Boss
You will spend more time explaining your technical actions to your 50 year old,commodore 64 loving boss, then to actually build a whole networking infrastructure.
4. The Thank You
It’s funny how when you do something good, a nice Email steps into your inbox from your superiors thanking the IT department for their collective effort, but when you screw up something…That's NEVER a collective effort is it?
3. The Idiots
You will always find the nice friendly fella’ that because he just got a $400 cell phone is suddenly transformed into this IT Guru and interrupts you mid-sentence to continue your explanations (thinking he knows anything) only to discover he just fell flat on his face with his stupidity.
2. The Budget
There is never any budget for IT but there’s definitely enough money for your superior to fund his “personal assistant’s” trip to some random town where that really cool expo is happening ;)
1. The Nights
Finally, your day is over…or is it ? The Email server broke down and you’re sitting there writing a Text Message to your wife, telling her not to cook, while your co-workers have a smile on their face from ear to ear waving at you and saying “see you tomorrow”. The sun rises, quite quickly I might add, and the first funny-guy comes in and says...”wow, you’re in early”.
You then fade away into a slow, uncomfortable mental sleep mumbling to yourself “I was here all night fixing this crap so you can come in the morning and spend your first hour chatting and making coffee”
Till next time :)